Kevin Lein

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Special thanks-giving, a week early...

Please be proud this week of your teachers and staff during American Education Week.  Actually, every week should be American Education Week, thankful for those who toil in the world’s most important profession.   A teacher, as a reflective decision-maker, encounters and lives in such a unique world of awesome burden and just as awesome reward.  A world that requires that they be both teacher and student simultaneously, that is so personal yet must be so professional, that is so unpredictable yet demands foresight and precision, that commands imperative focus and imposes change.  The very best teachers never feel as if they have done enough, are good enough, because they seek a perfection they cannot achieve.  They are some of the biggest risk-takers, knowing that each choice they make can change a life in an instant, yet willing to stand up and fearlessly face that challenge.  As a society, we must have a critical trust of our teachers, yet they know and expect that their accountability is the only way to maintain that trust.  In Harrisburg, we are so fortunate to have this human treasure trove of people resource that persistently and with all good will, changes our world for the better every day.    Tell a teacher thank you for bearing this onus with grace and wisdom, vigor and zeal.

Technology, like it, love it, leave it...whatever, it is part of us, and even more a part of our children.  Even though there are times we long for the days of savoring a long, handwritten letter of month-long news...of actually jumping up and running to the phone instead of looking at the read out to see who is calling before answering...of actually walking next door to talk to our neighbors...of waiting anxiously for a loved one's return instead of holding a cell phone to our ear for a half hour to listen to a turn-by-turn account of how far away they were...of guessing which way was south and what color house to make that left turn other than following our GPS or mapquest is what it is and we have to move forward.  As a good education friend and colleague said to me recently, "We are doing a great job of getting these kids ready for the 90's."  At Harrisburg High, we hope in the near future to obtain a laptop for every student.  On Friday of this week, our visionary superintendent, Mr. Holbeck has requested a gathering of the region's administrators and technology coordinators to take a look at moving forward with better services for all of our schools by working with local resources.  Our teachers and students are clamoring to have more opportunity to utilize hand held devices and access to the best information possible.  On-line coursework has outstanding chances of assisting the preparation of our graduates.  Evaluation, critical thinking, communication can all be enhanced with better use of the contemporary tools available.  It is perhaps even more significant for South Dakota, a rural state that can be more connected and find a better economic niche when we can virtually be everywhere.  Our students are ready, our teachers our ready...time for us to start educating for today and for tomorrow.

Veteran's Day has come and gone, however, the wars of today and the past war's memories do not go away.  Please keep all veteran's in your thoughts and prayers.  Thursday, a poignant program presented to the high school and community members was a fitting remembrance.  Thanks to all who participated and especially Mrs. Gould, Mr. Groon, Mrs. Rebnord and the National Honor Society and the Student Council for their work.  Next year, we will find a way to personally invite even more community members.  Our respectful student body were terrific in responding to the program and I am sure the few that showed up from the community enjoyed and were touched by our students' work.  During the day, I know of at least one complaint from the community in regard to school in session on this holiday.  However, for us, with 450 students paying homage to our veteran's rather than shopping...or sleeping...or hunting...or cruising Minnesota...seems to me this was the right thing to do.  If you doubt it, come to the program next year.

Babies, babies...everywhere babies.  With a fairly young staff at the high school, the instance of new Tigers being born is becoming commonplace.  Some baby news:  our new librarian, Mrs. Emily Olson had a daughter, Harper, a couple weeks ago;  Mrs. Foreman is about to have her baby soon;  Dr. McKee and wife have had some complications in the past week and his wife has had to be given bed rest until ready for birth;  also upcoming births for Mrs. VanDerSanden, Mrs. Wachal, Mrs. Dunn and Mr. LeLoux and his wife.  Another place and time to keep all of these families interests in your hearts as they grow with anticipation and new life!!!

Extra Help sessions will begin this Thursday, Friday and Saturday.   Any student recommended by teachers directly or through poor grades will be notified to spend time after school or Saturday to address the difficulty.  Please support this academic quest.  Mid-term grades will be posted on the portal the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.   

The annual Thanksgiving feast for senior citizens was held last Thursday.  Around 40 citizens attended. It was well-received by all.  The student council assisted and served, the Harrisburg Choir provided some entertainment and our kitchen and maintenance staffs set-up, decorated and created a fantastic meal.  Thanks to all who contributed.

Dance Committee will meet in the high school office at 5:30 on Tuesday, Nov. 16.  I have had no other communication from interested participants other than those first contacted.  Let me know if you would like to serve.

Christmas specials are in my Sunday paper????  How can that be?  Another holiday season looms - remember what all this is really about - family and friends and telling each what they mean to us.  Do that, right now....Events upcoming at Harrisburg High:

Monday - 3:15 - Wrestling Practice begins
                4:00 - Quiz Bowl at Tri-Valley
Tuesday - 8:00 AM - Region 1A Oral Interpretation Contests
                 5:30 - Dance Committee -  Office
Wednesday - 7:30 PM - Tiger Nation Meeting
Thursday - Extra Help - 3:00 PM
                  7:00 PM - Variety Show
Friday - 3:00 - Extra Help
           Debate at Mitchell
Saturday - 8:00 AM - Extra Help
             Debate at Mitchell

Monday - Girls' Basketball Practice begins
Tuesday - 4:00 - Novice Debate
Wednesday - Mid-Terms
                      1:00 Release for Thanksgiving

  Success can only be individually defined - according to an individual's idea of potential and careful evaluation of the work done to reach that potential.

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